A Missing Filling Needs Timely Treatment and Repair

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A dental filling is intended to repair a small-to-medium-sized cavity for a long time. However, filling rarely last forever, and larger, older fillings are even more likely to fall out. Sometimes you might even be able to notice a filling that is about to go bad. Common symptoms include an increased sensitivity, pain when chewing, or a change in color and texture. Other times there is no warning sign at all and you just suddenly notice that the filling is missing.

If one of your fillings is giving you trouble or falls out, you need to have it addressed by one of our skilled dentists, Dr. Kenneth Klassen or Dr. Wendy Quiroz, as soon as possible. The compromised tooth enamel could fracture or continue to decay, leading to even more serious complications.

If the filling was small, our dentists might be able to repair it by removing a small amount of enamel and cementing a new filling in place. We use amalgam fillings and composite fillings for our patients in Clovis, California, and the surrounding areas. This process can be done one comfortable visit to our office.

If your filling was large, or if the decay has simply compromised too much of the enamel layer of the tooth, our dentists may recommend that the tooth is restored with a crown.

If you have recently lost a filling, or you suspect one is going bad, we invite you to call our team in Clovis, California at 559-299-9211 to have it examined and treated. Dr. Klassen and Dr. Quiroz are always ready to restore your healthy, confident smile!