Poor oral hygiene habits can alter the environment in your mouth. This can cause a buildup of plaque acids and an increased presence of bacteria. When this happens your teeth are at heightened risk of suffering a cavity or other tooth decay complications.
Typical symptoms of a tooth suffering from a cavity could include sensitivity, a change in texture, mild discoloration, or discomfort when chewing. If you are experiencing any of these symptoms with one of your teeth you should not delay in scheduling an appointment at Dr. Wendy Quiroz’s dental office.
If the cavity is small, Dr. Wendy Quiroz might be able to repair it with a simple dental filling. To do this, an anesthetic will numb the tooth before using a dental drill to remove any decayed tooth enamel. This will create a clean healthy surface to bond the dental filling in place. The filling material Dr. Wendy Quiroz uses for the filling will depend on both the tooth’s primary function and location.
A cavity on one of your back teeth can often be repaired by an amalgam dental filling. This is a blend of special dental grade metals. It has the durability to handle the daily work of chewing and grinding. For a dental filling that will appear in your smile Dr. Wendy Quiroz might use a composite dental filling. This is a special resin material that can be shaded to perfectly match the surrounding tooth enamel.
If you live in the Clovis, California, area and you suspect a cavity has formed on one of your teeth, you should call 559-299-9211 to have it examined and treated at Wendy Quiroz, DDS