Having missing teeth can severely impact your ability to chew food and it can even affect your appearance.
To address a problem like this without the use of oral surgery, Dr. Kenneth Klassen or Dr. Wendy Quiroz might recommend fitting you for a removable partial denture. This is essentially a smaller form of removable dentures that fits in the area where the teeth are missing.
Your dentist will first want to examine the area to ensure that the surrounding teeth are healthy and strong. If any other teeth have been compromised, she might recommend having them extracted and added to the partial.
Our team will create a detailed impression of the area, including the corresponding teeth in your bite pattern. This will be sent to a professional dental lab where your partial will be made to fit perfectly into the void between the two neighboring teeth.
While the partial will fit tightly with the structure of your gums, many people with a partial like to use denture adhesive. Not only does it provide an extra-secure hold, but it also helps block out stray food particles.
If you are interested in a custom partial in Clovis, California, you should call 559-299-9211 to schedule an appointment at Wendy Quiroz, DDS.