The Powerful Benefits of Sugarless Gum

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This holiday season, give yourself and loved ones the gift of a healthy smile. If you would like to add an additional layer of protection into your dental hygiene practice, you might consider chewing sugarless gum after meals.

The powerful benefits of sugarless gum include fighting cavities and decreasing the risk of gum disease. Although studies have shown that chewing sugarless gum for at least 20 minutes can help fight cavities, it isn’t the gum itself that does the fighting but rather the saliva that your mouth produces to help with chewing.

Did you know that the acids in your esophagus and stomach can damage your teeth? Studies have shown that sugarless gum can help prevent heartburn, making it a powerful ally in your quest for healthy teeth.

Sugarless gum is not to be used in place of brushing or flossing. However, proper oral health care habits such as daily brushing and flossing in combination with sugarless gum for those times you cannot brush between meals are a powerful combination for your smile.

Our dental team wants to make sure all of your oral health needs are taken care of. If you would like to set up an appointment for a professional exam with Dr. Wendy Quiroz, please call 559-299-9211 in Clovis, California, to speak with a member of our team. Your oral health success is our goal!